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Piloting a sustainable solar energy model for Fiji's remote school communities.
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School children in remote Fijian communities are expected to benefit from more reliable, renewable energy in their classrooms, thanks to…

Data upskilling for freelance workers: Partnership Summary.
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In the Philippines, a BPP partnership between Eskwelabs, FHMoms and the Australian Government has been equipping women freelance workers with…

Delta accelerate enterprises announced
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We are delighted to share the 16 innovative enterprises selected to take part in Deltaccelerate! Deltaccelerate is Vietnam’s first accelerator…

Cover image for a blue carbon event discussing lessons on effective blue carbon markets
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International lessons on designing and operating effective, efficient and equitable blue carbon markets Coastal and wetland ecosystems, including mangroves, tidal…

BPP launching Deltaccelerate website cover image
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Can Tho, Vietnam – Vietnam’s first accelerator for women-led small and medium agribusiness enterprises tackling climate adaptation in the Mekong…

Four new BPP Climate Adaptation Partnerships in the Mekong Delta.
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BPP is delighted to launch four BPP Climate Adaptation Partnerships, including a Women’s Agribusiness Climate Adaptation Accelerator, in Vietnam’s Mekong…

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