November 14, 2023

Section five: Communications


Welcome! This is a guide to communicating about your partnership through the Business Partnerships Platform. 

Our approach

We take a partnership approach to communications.

We are here to support your partnership and value your contributions to our communications efforts, here’s a summary of our guidelines:

Connect and Contribute

Connect with us

The BPP: Facebook  |  LinkedIn  |  Instagram  |  YouTube 
DFAT: Facebook  |  LinkedIn  |  Twitter

When posting content about the partnership please tag us and use the #DFATbpp hashtag.

Contribute content

Help us to profile your partnership. We would love to interview you for our blog or feature your partnership on social media. Opportunities:

  1. Be featured on our blog. Here’s an example from our Q&A series.
  2. Contribute photos and quotes for our social media campaigns for example on International Women’s Day
  3. Develop video content for social media
  4. Share your experience via a webinar or talk at DFAT
  5. Contribute to a Business Partnership Summary at the conclusion of the partnership

Example of a partnership video from Papua New Guinea:

Access our services

We’re here to help drive impact through communications.

Here are some examples of BPP communications advice and services:

  • Support to define communications objectives and strategy
  • Communications training for staff
  • Support for communications product development
  • PR advice and support
Example business objectives supported by communications:
  • Marketing: to add legitimacy to a new business idea through media and social media profiles.
  • Public relations and sales: to promote a business or product to customers.
  • For reputation: brand positioning as a responsible and inclusive business.
  • For sustainability: to help scale your activities and reach a wider audience.
  • For wider impact: to share non-sensitive learnings with others in your sector.


1. Consent for images

Download the consent form

It is essential to obtain consent from the people you photograph and video. This consent must be documented. When contributing content to the BPP we will ask if the people featured have provided consent, we do not ask for the form but ask that you keep it on file.

Verbal consent is fine in all instance except the following:

1.Children (consent must be provided by the parent or guardian).

2.Photos and videos of people in a medical setting

Please see PAGE 2 of the Consent Form for further guidance.

Helpful resources:

  1. DFAT  guidelines on ethical photography
  2. DFAT Child Protection Policy DFAT policy
2. Acknowledgement

Communications about the partnership should acknowledge all partners (including DFAT) and the Business Partnerships Platform.

Partners do not need to be acknowledged in social media updates (due to space constraints) but please remember to tag when possible. All partners are to be acknowledged on all other platforms/products e.g. websites, reports, leaflets, press releases. Before publishing communications, please send to all partners for review/comment with at least a one week deadline.

How to describe your partnership

  1. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is a partner not a donor or supporter, for example:

Correct: Partner X is in a partnership with Partner Y and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the Business Partnerships Platform (BPP) to do XYZ.
Incorrect: Partner X is being funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in a partnership with the Business Partnerships Platform to do XYZ.
Incorrect: Partner X, Partner Y and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade are being supported by the Business Partnerships Platform.

3. Logo usage

Use all partner logos on communications products.

When using the DFAT and BPP logos please first send to the BPP team for review.

  • DFAT logos:  All guidance for use of the DFAT logo is on the DFAT website at this location (please note that the DFAT logo, not the Australian Aid identifier [Kangaroo logo] should be used)
  • BPP logo:  When using the BPP logo, the same principles as the DFAT logo will apply.
4. Press releases

Partners are free to engage with media to profile your partnership following the public announcement of the partnership by DFAT. We ask that you share draft press releases with the BPP team for review.

Communications opportunities with the Australian Embassy or High Commission


  • High Commissioner attendance at events
  • Social media
  • Joint media release
  • Opinion Editorial from High Commissioner
  • High Commissioner to appear in a video

What's next?

Click here to subscribe to BPP News and connect with us on social media:

Facebook  |  LinkedIn  |  Instagram  |  YouTube

We look forward to working with you!

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