November 14, 2023

Section eight: Reporting on your partnership

Reporting on your partnership

We ask partners to capture the progress and impact of their BPP initiative through:

  • Six monthly progress reports
  • Impact assessments, as appropriate
  • Final report

Please find the Impact Measurement Plan template here. A step-by-step guide to developing and implementing your plan can be found below.

Six-monthly progress reports

While the BPP program has its own internal requirement to report overall program impact, we believe that effective impact measurement improves the ability of partners to achieve their goals by monitoring for results and adapting activities when challenges arise or assumptions change. Effective impact measurement focused on generating and analysing evidence instils confidence and trust in prospective investors and future donors around the results achieved by Partnerships. Using a mix of data collection methods will enable more creative story-telling and public communication of the positive impacts that Partnerships are creating.

Partners will be provided with guidance to enable them to deliver the four core requirements to reporting, plus two optional:

  1. Preparation of Impact Model and Measurement Plan, including projections, baselines, data collection methods and disaggregated indicators
  2. Reporting progress and results on a six-monthly basis against the Impact Measurement Plan
  3. Participate in a minimum of one monitoring visit during the life of the project
  4. Submit a completion report at the end of the project
  5. Participate in an Impact Assessment prior to project completion (as mutually agreed and optional)
  6. Participate in Learning Events prior to project completion (as mutually agreed and optional)

In essence, BPP reporting requires partners to present basic data, progress and challenges together with the financial position of your initiative. This process should serve the partnership so that adjustments can be made as needed, and the BPP team can best support BPP partnerships. For multi-stakeholder partnerships, please refer to the agreement in your Ways of Working regarding producing and sharing reports for your partnership.

Reporting periods differ across partnerships, so we ask you to confirm the reporting period covered. Please refer to your Collaborative Financing Agreement for this information and reach out to your Relationship Manager if any questions.

SmartyGrants form:

  • The six-monthly reports are submitted through the SmartyGrants system. The SmartyGrants form includes a few high-level financial and results data fields and prompts to upload the progress update, financial report and other files as relevant. Optionally, partners can also upload photographs they would like to be shared through BPP communications channels.
  • The SmartyGrants form also includes a prompt to confirm that the Impact Measurement System has been updated.
  • You should receive an automated link to the submission form one month before the submission dates. If you do not receive this link, please contact your Relationship Manager. Note the SmartyGrants system limits to one account per partnership which has the ability to submit reports on behalf of the partnership. If you would like to change the account details, please inform your relationship manager.

Six-monthly progress update

You can find the six-monthly progress update template here.

The intent of the six-monthly progress update is to provide a format for key successes and challenges to be reflected on and shared by all partners. These issues will be discussed in regular check-ins and health checks as agreed in your Ways of Working session, where DFAT will also be reflecting on their contributions.

This progress update does not need to be extensive, 2-5 pages of bullets or concise text should be sufficient. Reporting should show progress towards the activities and end of project outcomes defined in the Impact Measurement Plan.

To complement the reporting text, data updates to the Impact Measurement Plan spreadsheet should be made and shared alongside the report so progress can be monitored.

More detailed guidance on this six-monthly progress update is included in the Guidance Note for Partners.

Six Monthly Financial Report:

The financial report includes expenditure against budget and proposed reallocations, where applicable. Detailed instructions for this form are on the first tab of the template file. BPP – Finance Reporting Template 2021.

Thank you for completing this.

Report reviews

Your report will be reviewed by the BPP team and shared with relevant DFAT staff and BPP technical advisers. The BPP team may reach out with offers of support, requests for clarification, or other comments. Where possible, the BPP team will do this through existing meetings/channels to reduce time burden on partners.

Final report

At the conclusion of the partnership we ask for a final report.

End of contract reporting requirements are outlined in Annex E of the contract. The report is submitted through the SmartyGrants portal.

Step-by-step guidance for your Impact Measurement Plan

The Impact Measurement Plan template is available here.

A step-by-step guide for completing and delivering the Impact Measurement Plan is included in the Guidance Note for Partners. In addition, your Relationship Manager is available to answer any questions and assist with the development and delivery of these plans and six-monthly report.

Technical support

For general questions and support please contact your relationship manager with the BPP team, or you can always reach out to We can answer any questions regarding reporting, help you login to portals and navigate your way around.

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