Healthy buffalo for healthier people in Laos
Partner contribution
$ 371,632
DFAT contribution
$ 255,228
Total Value
$ 626,860
Start: June 2019 - End: May 2022
Laos Buffalo Dairy
Laos Buffalo Dairy is a social enterprise that strives to build a vibrant dairy industry in Laos that drives rural prosperity, resilience and health.
Northern Agriculture and Forestry College
The Northern Agriculture and Forestry College (Laos) focuses on practice-oriented training at higher diploma level in agricultural technical fields.
Provincial Health Department Luang Prabang
The Luang Prabang Provincial Health Department is responsible for guiding and managing general health issues across Luang Prabang province.
Australian Government
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade works with international partners and other countries to tackle global challenges, increase trade and investment opportunities, protect international rules, keep our region stable and help Australians overseas.
This partnership brings together social enterprise Laos Buffalo Dairy (LBD), the Northern Agriculture and Forestry College (NAFC), the Provincial Health Department (PHD) and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to promote the regeneration of buffalo herds in Laos to improve rural livelihoods. LBD will work to improve buffalo genetic health, influence dietary practices to include buffalo milk and help make buffalo dairies a viable commercial operation for smallholder farmers. Students from NAFC will gain exposure to practical training opportunities at the dairy and the Health Department will help drive awareness of the nutritional benefits of buffalo milk. Two NGOs will support the implementing partners contributions: Helvetas for NAFC and the Swiss Red Cross for PHD.
The “Healthy Buffalo for Healthier People” partnership aims to scale-up LBD to bring more buffalo into the breeding program and reach more households. Households engaged in the dairy will have improved buffalo health, better breeding practices and learn how to milk for improved nutrition and potential revenue generation.
*This partnership was extended from its original closing date of 30 June 2021.