Collaborative Financing Agreement (CFA)
The contract between Palladium and the BPP contracting partner
Contracting partner
The entity that signs the collaborative finance agreement (CFA) and is legally responsible for results and financial accountability of the BPP initiative.
In the CFA, this entity is referred to as the Recipient.
This is the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
In the collaborative finance agreement, DFAT is referred to as the Client.
A brokered meeting held between DFAT and partners to a specific initiative to discuss progress, typically half-way through an initiative
Activities undertaken as part of the BPP partnership
Palladium supports the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to manage and implement the BPP.
In the CFA, Palladium is referred to as the Funder.
An online portal BPP partners for partners to submit reports
Ways of Working discussion
A brokered meeting held between DFAT and partners at the commencement of an initiative to discuss partnership roles
Partnership Broker
A Partnership Broker is an independent partnerships specialist. While engaged by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade via Palladium, the Broker’s role is to act in the interests of the overall partnership (not just on behalf of DFAT).