Section seven: Safeguarding

Actions and minimum standards
The BPP is committed to preventing and responding to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in the delivery of BPP initiatives, in line with DFAT’s Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy (PSEAH Policy).
We will work with you to identify the risk level of your business and BPP initiative, to clarify required actions as a result of this rating and support you to strengthen your capacity to address SEAH in your business and community.
At a minimum, you are expected to undertake the following actions, if not already in place in your business. We can support you as needed to meet the following actions.
1. PSEAH Policy
- Be aware of, bound by, and actively implement the DFAT PSEAH Policy and Guidelines or equivalent in-house policy.
- Be aware of, bound by, and actively implement Palladium Business Partner Code of Conduct.
- Demonstrate related procedures to mitigate identified risks.
2. Reporting and investigation procedures
- Have reporting procedures in place and use proper reporting and investigation channels when SEAH incidents arise.
- Be aware of the availability of DFAT and Palladium reporting procedures.
3. Initiatives which are classified as higher risk may be requested to:
- Include SEAH in their risk management processes
- Participate in BPP PSEAH training, or have PSEAH training in place for staff implementing the BPP initiative
- Ensure recruitment and employment practices for the BPP initiative manage SEAH risk (such as due diligence of potential staff)
4. DFAT’s Child Protection standards.
BPP partners are expected to abide by DFAT’s Child Protection standards, please see the DFAT website for the full policy.
Some additional guidance notes and support materials that may be of interest:
Principles for prevention
The below principles underpin the BPP’s intent to do no harm, safeguard the vulnerable and respect the communities we support and serve.
Putting principles into practice: Example from our partners
In Vietnam, technology start-up JupViec, in a partnership with LienVietPostBank, CARE and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is training its workforce to better understand, recognise and call-out child abuse.
JupViec’s training module on child protection was developed in the BPP partnership with the technical support from CARE. The training takes real life examples to explain what abuse is and provides practical tips to help prevent abuse specific to the context of JupViec’s services.
The BPP works with each of its partners to understand the role they can play in preventing, detecting and reporting abuse – recognising that protecting children is everyone’s business and that it also can contribute to creating a better business.
If you’d like to know more about JupViec’s work putting child protection principles into practice watch the video: