August 24, 2020 Samoa Stability, Economic Recovery, Health Security

BPP Samoa Call for Partnerships

Smiling woman and man seated together, partnership benefits coconut farmers, Samoan businesses can apply at

Applications closed on 12 October 2020. 

The Australian Government called for inclusive business partnerships to create development impact and support COVID-19 economic recovery efforts in Samoa.

The COVID-19 global health pandemic has resulted in widespread impact for countries and economies across the Indo-Pacific. People are losing their livelihoods and businesses have been disrupted.

The BPP’s COVID-19 Recovery Partnerships will help businesses to create livelihood opportunities, enhance gender equality and support green and resilient economic recovery.

Application timeline

  • 26 August 2020: Applications open
  • 3 September 2020: Online Information Session (recording below)
  • 12 October 2020: Deadline for applications
  • 11-23 November 2020: Shortlisted applicants invited to discuss the concept note in more detail
  • 21 December 2020: Full proposals due (shortlisted applicants will be supported to  submit a full proposal)
  • February-March 2021: Kick-off meetings
  • April-June 2021: Implementation begins

Please note, dates are indicative and subject to change.

FAQ Guidelines Contact

Funding amount

BPP COVID-19 Recovery Partnerships receive from AUD100,000 to AUD500,000 in funding to scale a business initiative for social impact. Applicants match or exceed BPP funding through cash and in-kind investment. The BPP also supports partnerships through independent partnership brokers and business, gender and inclusion advisers.


A business applied on their own or in a consortium with other businesses, social enterprises, investors, non-government organisations or other types of organisations. Applicants are registered with a business or other recognised registration/accreditation body and have a financial history. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) will undertake a due diligence process before entering a contract with successful applicants.

Initiative length

Businesses specified an implementation period of between one and three years in their application. The implementation period must fall between 01 April 2021 and 30 June 2024.

Focus sectors


  • Health Security: Focus on health systems and preparedness; improve equitable access to medical and health products and information; increase awareness and effective management of infectious disease outbreaks, non-communicable diseases and sexual reproductive health and rights.
  • Stability: Support human capital, education and skills, and job creation opportunities to improve livelihoods for vulnerable people, especially women and people with disabilities; support initiatives to enhance gender equality and address gender based violence; promote renewable energy sources and products that contribute to climate change risk management and build community resilience from natural disasters; and improve food security.
  • Economic recovery: Improve supply chains, revitalise export markets and promote greater value chain diversification for marketable value added goods; support the digital economies transformation agenda including e-commerce; and support a recovery pathway for the tourism sector.


Have questions? See our FAQ

Guidelines for applicants

More detailed information, including the key selection criteria, example initiatives and funding proposal guidance can be found in the BPP Applicant Guidelines.


BPP Samoa Call for Partnerships Information Session

Recording of a webinar held on 3 September 2020.

Applications are now closed. 

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