Learning Brief: The business of gender equality

Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) farmer and Field Facilitator, Almas Parveen © BCI/Khaula Jamil
Businesses with gender diverse teams are more creative, responsive and resilient. Knowing how to develop and implement strategies to promote equality and empower women is an important part of doing business. In times of crises this becomes more important, as underlying gender inequalities and negative attitude towards women can be exacerbated.
The global pandemic is affecting women and men differently. Women have less access to assets and resources, are more likely to be employed in low-skill and low-pay jobs with no or limited access to social protections and have a greater unpaid care work burden. Even before the pandemic, globally women and girls carried out, on average, three times the amount of unpaid care and domestic work of men and boys.
What role can inclusive business play in lessening the negative impact of the pandemic? In this Learning Brief, we share how Business Partnerships Platform partners are promoting gender equality and empowering women. We speak to leaders who are shaping their business and challenging stereotypes about the role of women as caregivers and household managers.
We share the strategies businesses are using to address inequality within their leadership teams, staff, supply chains and how their products have helped to empower women. Underpinning their efforts is a belief that when women participate in business our economies and societies can perform at their best.
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